Monday, 20 February 2012

Evaluation 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

We used a programme called blogger to write down everything we done in and out of lessons. This meant we could keep up to date with all the work we had done. This programme let us keep all our work in order meaning we wouldnt loose any of the work we done which could have happend if we wrote our work down on paper. This site was easy to use and only took a little while to get used to the layout.

This is a picture of me using Blogger on my media account which meant i could access youtube and other sites which i may have needed to make my blog the best it could be. Blogger we was able to use on a normal PC however we had to have a certain account in school to mean we could access the site however their was nothing stopping us from using this at home to do extra work.

When editing our film we was priviliged enough to use the HD camrea which meant we was editing on the Mac-books. this was a whole new experiance for us as we had never used one before however after we got used to it we found it easy to use which helped us los because the software on the sytem called Final cut was very up to date and made out editing really easy and good.

This picture shows me using final cut which was the software we edited on, this was really easy to use after we got used to it and it made our editing better.

This picture shows me using the HD camrea and the Tri pod when shooting a clip, we found this camrea very easy to use, and we felt it gave us a great image on our shots. We had used a normal camrea before and using the HD camreas was not do diffrent, it just meant we had to upload our clips to the Macs not a PC.

This is a picture of the HD camrea we used.

This is a picture of the Tri pod we used which helped us gain steady shots without the camrea shaking.

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