Wednesday 18 January 2012


In our films you can see we have made many changed throughout, this is from our planning and then from the feedback we was given. We originally planned to make a film just like the story bored and planning show, however when we filmed and we edited we came up with ideas we thought would be even better and would help our grades. This is the reason we have no planning on the phone call because this was a last minute decsion as we thought it worked better then the original idea of the filmed phone call convasation. we also planned to use many locations however we ended up only using one of the locations we was planning, this was because we thought we would film a lot more then we did as we ran out of time. Our original film was 2:20secs with all the locations, we then decided to take them out and add the phone call. We then made the first draft and the feedback that came back to us was really possitive and we new we made the right desision to do the phone call and not film the convosation, however the feedback gave us a few changed we should have made and we then made them to get our final copy. The plot however still stayed the same we just had a different concept on how the film would start. Our production company also did not change as we liked this name and the look of the logo their for kept it the same. The script was only changed a little bit however the concept was still kept the same with a news report and phone call however the script we originally made we thought would be too long therefore we took some of the lines out of this. We firmly belive the changed we made really helped our film and we feel it benifited a lot by making these changes.

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