Monday 5 December 2011

Group shot list.

  •  Close up
  • Mid shots
  • Established shots
  • Shot reverse shot
  • Extreme close up
  • Long shot
  • High angle shot
These are the shots we will be using in our filming we want to use the close ups on objects and peoples body parts to make it more mysterious.

The mid shots will be used to show the majority of the actor however do not want to show is whole body.

the long shots will be used to show the actor and the background to give an idea of the surroundings.

An establishing shot will show people the settings and area.

The shot reverse shot will be used when two actors are talking.

We want to use an extreme close up on a weapon or a body part like an eye or creepy smile.

The high angle will be used to look down on something that could be represented as small and vulnerable.

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