Se7en title sequence analysis
first 20 seconds
1sec-5sec: close up on a book. With a hand image in the background going to turn the page. We then see “new line cinema presents”come up in a horror font and white writing, the background is dark and creepy.
6sec-7sec: It is a plain black background with white writing in the corner with the production companys name. “arnold koplson production”.
8sec- 10secs: We see an areial shot on a book. It fades from black to the hands both flat on a sqared grid. The hands look deformed and abnormal, this gives us a horror feel.
10sec-11sec: We see the same image as above however we see “a film by David Fincher” the writing is the same which was used earlier in the sequence.
12sec-13sec: We see three flashes of images it is hard to discover but I feel the images are of a drill being put together by the actor, however we do not see the actor only his hand. This makes it mysterious, which could mean the film will be too.
14sec-15sec: Again it is a fully black background with just the white writing in the centre of the screen this time is is giving us a famous actors name “Brad Pitt”.
16sec-17sec: We see three flashes of images of a mans finger and a razor, and the man is peeling the skin of his fingers, and you just see the skin falling off. His hands are not nice and seeing skin being cut of is not a nice image.
18sec-19sec: Again we see a blackout image with white writing again of a famous actor “Morgan Freeman” the writing is flashing and un-tidy like hand writing.
20sec-22sec: We see flashs of two images they are extreame close ups on something but we can not tell what.